simulation based
one to one

Leadership Training &

for a profound professional transformation

Privacy and Confidentiality

We provide a safe and comfortable environment, encourage trust and open communication between the participant and the trainer, and ensure the effectiveness of the training and development process. In case you are more of an extrovert, consider the 3-days VUCA simulation team training, or any of our other experiential training programs

Unleash your leadership potential

Finally, an opportunity to own your own leadership development. This two-day, simulation-based, 1 to 1 leadership training, will help you uplevel key leadership skills and enhance your existing leadership capabilities to strengthen the impact you want to have in your role. You will work with a seasoned, certified trainer — who is an active business leader  — to help you realize your potential and hone your leadership style to expand your impact as an executive, manager or project team member.


It’s easy playful and designed specifically for you.

This highly personalized, simulation-based leadership training saves you time by creating a development plan that fits your goals and needs. Each session with actionable next steps directly transferable to your day-to-day work.

own your own development

Unleash your maximum potential

Position yourself for any promotion or career mobility opportunity. Inspire the best out of others and build high-performing teams. Learn additional ways of thinking to find solutions to key business challenges.

Empowering leaders at all levels

Become a lifelong learner, a great team leader and an inspiring communicator. You will overcome your fears of leading and develop the ability to become a visionary innovator who can create plans, execute and lead through turbulent times.

be curious

We develop the world's most high performance leaders

  • Reveal your biggest stumbling blocks toward long-term growth
  • Unearth competing priorities that make it difficult to unite your team
  • Inspire other leaders and teams to be accountable for executing your growth plan
  • Tap into leaders and team member’s unique strengths and motivations and leverage them to meet your personal and the organization’s long-term goals.

Experiential Team Training

Ingenius Failures by Creating Error Producing Conditions. Smart Risk-Taking and Maximum Learning.


Team Building Risk-Free Leadership Simulations

Water Zones

Team Bonding Snorkeling Underwater Games

First Responder

Health & Safety at work with First Aid Simulations